Chiesa ( Italian for "church") can refer to:
Usage examples of "chiesa".
The Prussian symmetry of these spectacles was marred, however, by the refusal of Madame Bedaux and Signora Chiesa to be hurried.
Had someone in the town betrayed their hiding-place a cave high up above the Chiesa Nuova?
They may also have known that the fascists used the deserted Chiesa Nuova as their headquarters and for occasional meetings.
On a rocky promontory, once the site of the Chiesa Nuova, there was an iron cross over a plaque.
We knew that the local fascists, a collection of brutes who made the German Army seem like the Peace Corps, met in the old, disused church, the place they called the Chiesa Nuova.
It was the Feast of Santa Magdalena in Lachrimae, the village's patron saint, traditionally celebrated in the Chiesa Nuova, which was, strange as it may seem, the older of the two churches, built in the fourteenth century on the edge of a precipice just above the village and only used on one day a year.
On the saint's day, the whole village processed, in the evening, up to the Chiesa Nuova carrying banners, candles, the saint's statue and her Holy Relic a fragment of her little finger in the Reliquary.
Quello era l'aspetto peggiore della Chiesa d'Inghilterra, decise Harry.
E quella di Santa Maria, la più delicata chiesa gotica, con le sue bellissime statue lignee dei santi e i suoi archi a sesto acuto.
Il più famoso di questi calcoli era quello fatto dall’arcivescovo James Ussher della Chiesa Anglicana che, nel 1658, sulla base di studi biblici affermò che la creazione della Terra era avvenuta alle ore 8 pomeridiane del 22 ottobre dell’anno 4004 prima di Cristo.