Crossword clues for chieftaincy
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Chieftaincy \Chief"tain*cy\, Chieftainship \Chief"tain*ship\, n. The rank, dignity, or office of a chieftain.
n. 1 The position or period of rule of a chief. 2 The area or population ruled by a chief.
n. the position of chieftain [syn: chieftainship]
Usage examples of "chieftaincy".
Further, he had committed his honor, his chieftaincy, his people to this plan, and Achikh’s words shot doubt into his mind.
Alfie had almost certainly plucked from her the fresh gardenia of her maidenhood, for his chieftaincy of the Minids gave him carnal access to almost every female who had attained menarche.
It may astonish you to know that there are other concerns in Skarpsey besides one small chieftaincy along one bit of coastland.
Therefore, having care for their heads and wishing to get out of the city with them still in place, as well as admitting to each other both publicly and privately that Sean FitzRobert had about as good a claim to the throne and the chieftaincy as any of his peers, they announced after only a week of feasting, drinking, shouting, snarling, insulting, brawling, and bloodshed that their choice for Ri and Righ was Sean FitzRobert, who would be crowned as soon as Tamhas FitzGerald had been buried properly.
After Irvine’s retirement the chieftaincy of SIS had fallen to two Orientalists and an Arabist in turn before Henry Coombs marked a return to one of those who had cut his teeth in the struggle against the Soviet Union.