Crossword clues for chided
vb. (en-simple past of: chide)
Usage examples of "chided".
She thinks of them as her people, Jondalar, he chided himself, feeling his face heat again, angry at his own thoughts.
Then I was like a bird, using the wind like the current of a stream, delighting in almost total freedom, but now I was simply a passenger riding in a basket beneath whirling blades, and I silently chided myself for being too cloddish to appreciate properly an experience that was very close to being miraculous.
Most ungentlemanly, he chided, wondering how long Rebecca Strauss would last in a stink-pit like this.
Myrmeen flirted with the idea of calling out to him, or to one of the servants, to close the door, then she chided herself for being so lazy.
He was sorry, mentally chided himself, but was having trouble coping with his unfamiliar mixed emotions, and didn't know how to tell her.