Crossword clues for chicos
The California High School Cosmic Ray Observatory, (abbreviated CHICOS, for California HIgh school Cosmic ray ObServatory), operated by the Kellogg Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, United States, is one of the world's largest ongoing Cosmic Ray observatory programs. It is known for its large network within the Los Angeles County area, based mainly on high school sites carrying cosmic ray detector units, though there are also detector units on associated elementary schools and middle schools.
Chicos are a gelatinous sugar candy, similar to Jelly Babies, but rather than being fruit flavoured and in a variety of colours, they are all dark brown and are flavoured with cocoa resulting is a unique chocolate flavour. They are made by the Nestlé Corporation and marketed under their Australian brand Allen's Lollies. The word "chicos" in Spanish translates to the English word "children".
Due to the image of a baby in the same colour as the candy featured on the front of the packaging, Chicos are sometimes known as "Chico Babies". However, they have never been branded, or promoted as such.