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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
chicken feed
▪ The program will cost about $200 million to run, chicken feed compared to NASA's $16 billion budget.
▪ For the same reasons, the proposal also does not apply to chicken feed.
▪ Most of the capital gains reported by these under-$ 50, 000 taxpayers were chicken feed.
▪ She would lie, steal, cheat for Oliver: burning a few hundred pounds was chicken feed.
▪ The sum was chicken feed, and the more governmental corruption that went on there, the better.
▪ Today, the cheapest chicken feed consists of fishmeal, chicken feathers and chicken innards.
chicken feed

alt. 1 food (usually grain) given to poultry. 2 (context idiomatic English) A very small or insignificant quantity, especially of money. n. 1 food (usually grain) given to poultry. 2 (context idiomatic English) A very small or insignificant quantity, especially of money.

chicken feed
  1. n. dry mash for poultry [syn: scratch]

  2. amphetamine used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride; used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant [syn: methamphetamine, methamphetamine hydrochloride, Methedrine, meth, deoxyephedrine, chalk, crank, glass, ice, shabu, trash]

Chicken Feed

Chicken Feed is a 1927 American short silent comedy film directed by Robert A. McGowan. It was the 66th Our Gang short subject released.

Usage examples of "chicken feed".

Who the devil would come bothering him now, when he had more important things to worry about than a neighbor who'd run out of chicken feed?

All the chicken feed had been spilled out onto the floor of the barn.

Josh poked about the feed shed and located chicken feed and dog food.

As they walked along, Nelson began to distinguish details and take note of the store windows, jammed with every kind of equipment -- hardware, drygoods, chicken feed, liquor.

They sell hardware, chicken feed, notions, and the regular stuff, but they also sell all sorts of strange-smelling herbs and crystals and little bottles of oil that are supposed to cure headaches and impotency.

Bug appeared suddenly round the corner of the house, a bowl of chicken feed in her hands.

Because corn meal is expensive, bootleggers often start their mash with scratch feed-that is) hog feed or chicken feed-which has corn meal in it.

Traffic's usually up on the weekends, but mostly it's tourists gawking at cows, and people like Raz Buchanon doing twenty miles an hour toward Starley City to buy chicken feed and the latest tabloid.

Optics weren't so good that they could see chicken feed from however many thousands of miles up in space, but they were good enough to guess that the woman had long black hair and fair skin.