Chhoya छोया is a village placed at approximately 55 km southwest of Dipayal, Doti, Nepal. The altitude of the village is 1294 m (4246 feet) above the mean sea level and geographic locators - 29°15′58″N and 80°46′52″E. The village is located in Jijodamandau VDC of Doti District of Nepal. This is 2 ward of the village development committee. The population of this village is about of 400 individuals residing in 50 individual households. The chhoya is divided into two Mallo and Tallo Chhoya.
The village are resided by four casts - Rosyara, Paneru, Bhul, and Damai. The village has beautiful panoramic view of typical mountains and Saipal Himalayan range can be viewed. Also there is also a small beautiful river (Ghatai garh)and newly establishing community forest. A five grade primary school for kids and a temple dedicated to Radha Krishana are located there. There is also an ancient forest sacred to the local goddess "Panere". The residents of Chhoya worship their local god every year.