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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cheyennes \Chey*ennes"\, n. pl.; sing. cheyenne. (Ethnol.) A warlike tribe of indians, related to the blackfeet, formerly inhabiting the region of Wyoming, but now mostly on reservations in the Indian Territory. They are noted for their horsemanship.

Usage examples of "cheyennes".

CHAPTER 6 When we had come upon the Cheyennes, they hoped to kill a buffalo to relieve their hunger while on the march.

The Cheyennes preferred a camp on the open prairie but not too far from woods.

Shanagan explained that the Cheyennes were convinced by my clothing that I was a great chief.

We made our own camp closer to the woods than the Cheyennes, but within a hundred yards of them.

Riding in company with the Cheyennes, who by virtue of our contribution of meat accepted us as part of their group, we could avoid trouble with at least one tribe of Indians.

If a large party of Cheyennes were waiting ahead of us, we might easily have been ambushed because any unattached party was fair game, but now that we had joined this group, we would be accepted.

The Cheyennes were well supplied with meat, and the wounded brave grew better.

Without doubt they also knew of an encampment of Cheyennes to the west, toward which we were obviously pointing.

Yet it was the Cheyennes that interested me most of all, and whenever possible I led Buffalo Dog or Walks-By-night to talk of their people.

Emerging from the draw, the Cheyennes were sure they had come upon a camp where the Utes were gone buffalo hunting.

Three Cheyennes dropped where they stood, the others scattered, running.

Hidden in their lodges, with holes made in the buffalo hide tepees from which they could fire, the Utes had waited until the Cheyennes were in their camp and at point-blank range.

The Cheyennes had recovered some of their horses, most of which had been lost in the chase that followed.

My friends and their Cheyenne companions had come up with the main body of the Cheyennes for whom they had been looking.

Our plans had been made, and now we went among the Cheyennes to trade for extra dried meat, and to make our preparations for the north.