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n. (plural of chew English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: chew)

Usage examples of "chews".

Mechanically, Dorrin slurps the last of the soup and chews the remaining bread crust, although his stomach is more than full.

Brede breaks off nearly a quarter of the loaf and chews his way through it even before Dorrin has had two mouthfuls.

Meriwhen only chews the grain as Dorrin takes out the brush and begins to curry her.

Yarrl chews the end of the loaf of bread, methodically, before speaking, his mouth full.

The smith chews through cheese and bread, his left hand on the mug of cool cider.

He sits down and drinks from the pitcher of water and chews a hunk off the loaf of bread.

Dorrin grins at the patronizing tone, and chews through the half-warm bread.

Dorrin chews on bread and cheese that Kadara had rounded up from somewhere, trying to ignore his headache, the searing light that still blasts through his skull intermittently, and his growling stomach.

He chews slowly, evenly, listening to the rustle of the leaves, the occasional terhwhits and chirps.

He mechanically chews more stale and crusty bread and warm cheese, drinking water from the jug Liedral has filled from somewhere.