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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chevroned \Chev"roned\, p. a. Having a chevron; decorated with an ornamental figure of a zigzag from.

[A garment] whose nether parts, with their bases, were of watchet cloth of silver, chevroned all over with lace.
--B. Jonson.


vb. (en-past of: chevron)

Usage examples of "chevroned".

With his visor down, his face could not be seen, but his surcoat was dark green with a yellow crest of rearing stags, and his cloak was chevroned in strips of dark and pale fur.

The hallway led down flights of stairs, became torchlit as the chevroned windows disappeared.

As rear thruster sheaths chevroned to become the Battloid's feet, the ventral fuselage halves split away from each other and spread outward to form the arms.

Her hair was long but shagged, tinted slightly lavender and held by a green leather band that chevroned in the center of her forehead.

Emerson and Rochelle's exchange of attack plan data under scored the solitary image of a chevroned doorway.