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n. As much as a chest will hold

Usage examples of "chestful".

Sassinak saw the guard nearest die witness stand shift his weight, the reflections from his chestful of medals suddenly moving.

He broke off to stare glumly at his rival, who sported a chestful of medals that blinked in different colors, and who was holding forth self-importantly to a captive audience of Rubinstein and some of the bigger diplomatic guns, comporting himself as if he were the equal or superior of the ambassadors from the older civilizations of Alpha Centauri and Tau Ceti.

That lugger is said to have the cut of a smuggler or pirate and to own a whole chestful of assorted ensigns and merchant-house flags, far more than any honest mariner would have need to carry along.

Raimberge’s was at the opposite end of the corridor, with a chestful of trousseau, a spinning wheel, and whatever else pertained to a young girl of shabby-genteel birth.

He took in a great chestful of air and let go a lifelong dream, staring at Heart the whole time, as she stared at him.

They actually got to walk from one end of the sandbar to the other, to stretch, bend, draw in deep chestfuls of air, and try a few basic calisthenics, which invigorated Keene but caused twinges of pain in Charlie's injured calf.

As he drew great heaving chestfuls of air, Derrick thought it had never felt so wonderful simply to breathe.

The hatch sighed open and Muzorawa stepped through, sucking in big chestfuls of air, oily liquid still dripping from the tip of his nose and running in thin rivulets down his neck and arms.

At his swearing-in ceremony, decked out as usual in full dress uniform and a chestful of ribbon candy, the new chief laid out his number one priority: zero tolerance for any infractions by police officers.

It concerned the plight of a rascally sea captain, Stong by name, half mariner, half smuggler, who had taken aboard, all unwitting, both a chestful of silver put long ago by Mizraith under a geas that sooner or later would compel its restoration to its rightful owner, and also the victim of a S'danzo curse designed to drive him away from Sanctuary for all time.

I have a chestful of hideous masks packed away in a cellar somewhere, getting uglier and uglier.