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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chese \Chese\, v. t. To choose [Obs.]

Usage examples of "chese".

And therfore who-so list it nat yheere, Turne over the leef, and chese another tale.

I wol noon of the apostles countrefete, I wol have moneie, wolle, chese, and whete, Al were it yeven of the povereste page, Or of the povereste wydwe in a village, Al sholde hir children sterve for famyne.

And whan that I have toold thee forth my tale Of tribulacioun in mariage, Of which I am expert in al myn age, (This to seyn, myself have been the whippe), Than maystow chese wheither thou wolt sippe Of thilke tonne that I shal abroche, For I shal telle ensamples mo than ten.

For which oppressioun was swich clamour And swich pursute unto the kyng Arthour, That dampned was this knyght for to be deed By cours of lawe, and sholde han lost his heed, Paraventure, swich was the statut tho, But that the queene and othere ladyes mo So longe preyeden the kyng of grace, Til he his lyf hym graunted in the place, And yaf hym to the queene al at hir wille, To chese, wheither she wolde hym save or spille.

And we wol, lord, if that ye wole assente, Chese yow a wyf in short tyme atte leeste, Born of the gentilleste and of the meeste Of al this land, so that it oghte seme Honour to God, and yow, as we kan deeme.

But ther as ye han profred me this day To chese me a wyf, I yow relesse That choys, and prey yow of that profre cesse.

How true was eke to Alcibiades His love, that for to dien rather chese,* *chose Than for to suffer his body unburied be?

It would be improper for the Magus to stand on that Square unless using this formula, "I, from Chesed, rule Geburah through the Path of the Lion".

Let him advance in turn to the squares Jesod, Hod, Netzach, Tiphereth, Geburah, Chesed and banish each by appropriate rituals.

While he was digesting that one—a sure hit, she felt—Mama rushed on to examine the Five of Wands reversed in Chesed and the Magus upright in Ge-burah.

While he was digesting that one— a sure hit, she felt— Mama rushed on to examine the Five of Wands reversed in Chesed and the Magus upright in Ge-burah.