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n. (alternative spelling of checkerboard English) vb. (alternative spelling of checkerboard English)

Usage examples of "chequerboard".

Graph up a chequerboard display on your suits -Forqueray, can you oblige?

For several rooms in sequence we were confronted by questions related to tiling patterns - tessellations - while another sequence tested our understanding of cellular automata: odd chequerboard armies of shapes which obeyed simple rules and yet interacted in stunningly complex ways.

The chequerboard of diplomatic moves Is London, all the world knows: here are born All inspirations of the Continent-- So tell!

He is glad when Natasha halts, gazing across the chequerboard of fields towards distant moorland streaked with snow.

An aisle paved like a chequerboard stretched toward the central crossing, where a dais elevated the high altar beneath the soaring vault of a golden dome.

Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, but they were unlit because sunlight was pouring through the sparkling dome on to a scene innocent of pigeon droppings but alive with people, scuttling across the chequerboard floor or hard at work behind the long polished counters made of rare wood, my dad said.