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The Collaborative International Dictionary

chemist's \chemist's\ n. a retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold; a drugstore. [British]

Syn: drugstore, apothecary's shop, chemist's shop, dispensary, pharmacy.


n. (context British NZ English) A pharmacy.


n. a retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold [syn: drugstore, apothecary's shop, chemist's shop, pharmacy]

Usage examples of "chemist's".

Figure to yourself, my friend, I held in my hand a little phial with an English chemist's label.

In fact, you've probably gone swimming in it-this is just a chemist's way of describing salt water.

I prepared the draft that contamed the poison-a chemist's glass of water colored with a little grenadine-and set it aside in readiness among my tubes and bottles.