chello is the brand of internet service provider-activities of Liberty Global Europe (formerly UGC), a provider of broadband internet access via cable in Europe, with estimated 1.3 million customers across its markets. LGE operates in 15 European, 4 Latin American and 2 Asian/Pacific countries. The chello branded internet service is currently available in seven of these: Austria, Belgium, France, Hungary, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Slovakia. The chello brand was introduced in the European market in 1998.
Features of the chello service are standardized according to the cable provider. In each market chello delivers open-access content portals that feature local news and entertainment content. Also, all users of the service are granted email addresses.
chello products are typically available at many speeds and are named chello starter, chello easy, chello classic, chello plus and chello extreme.
The chello brand appears to be replaced by other brands. For example, in The Netherlands, chello is renamed to UPC Live. UPC Live also has replaced chello in Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. In Sweden chello has been replaced by ComHem and in Norway by Get. In Ireland, UPC Ireland replaced the Irish broadband and cable service NTL which was formally Cable-link until 2015, when it was rebranded as Virgin Media Ireland. In Belgium, chello was a product of UPC that has been absorbed by Telenet in 2006 when Liberty Global bought a majority stake in Telenet.
The brand was available in New Zealand in the early 2000s, under TelstraSaturn's cable network.
This is also a greeting used by Jeff The Drunk on his Periscope videos and when he takes calls