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The Collaborative International Dictionary

a. Having the ability to undergo chelation

Usage examples of "chelating".

We've just finished more than four hours surgery on Satima, and we need that data to design a chelating sequence for her.

Yet the water was relatively pure … pure enough to allow the dolphins to swim freely, although some complained of itching, and each would need chelating treatments when he got back to the ship.

We’ve just finished more than four hours surgery on Satima, and we need that data to design a chelating sequence for her.

Please strip off contaminated clothing and come aboard at once, to begin chelating treatments in my command compartment.

I have already closed my command hatch by the time her own autodoc sends medication racing into her bloodstream, countering the effects of radiation exposure and chelating the isotopes already absorbed.

Great fog banks swept around the world, accelerating the process and chelating the heavier gas molecules as they moved, making them immune from attack by oxygen, ozone, or the activating effects of sunlight.