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The Collaborative International Dictionary

chelated \chelated\ adj. combined with a chelator so as to form a chelate; -- of metal ions.

Syn: chelate.

  1. (context chemistry of a metal atom English) bound with one or more chelates v

  2. (en-past of: chelate)


adj. relating to or characterized by chelation [syn: chelate]

Usage examples of "chelated".

From Mars to the Moon through the wormhole to the Saint Anthony to JPL to Chelated Noisemaker Extreme’s comm board.

Just in case the decision came down as a “yes,” Chelated Noisemaker Extreme was already at work rigging up the datatap probe, as per the plans sent from Mars along with the request.

He punched up the intercom, switched it over to the channel that worked, and called Chelated Noisemaker Extreme.

In addition to its presence in multi-vitamin and mineral tablets, it can also be bought in the form of chelated calcium, where amino acids have been used to help absorption into the blood stream.

Arkady had imagined that any meeting with Makhmud Khasbulatov would take place in the back of a car or in the corner of a dimly lit restaurant, but at the top of the stairs was a brightly illuminated carpeted foyer and a counter lined with a selection of organic shampoos, sunglasses and chelated vitamins.