Chekago is the debut novel of the writer and academic Sarah Symmons. A comic novel set in the Moscow of the early 1980s, the book was published under the author's pseudonym Natalya Lowndes in order to protect her friends and relatives in the then-USSR. Chekago was widely praised in the press, receiving positive reviews from Margaret Forster, Janice Elliott, Norman Shrapnel, Victoria Glendinning and Michael Ignatieff among others. First published in January 1988 the novel went into three editions in the first year and was published by Dutton in America where it was also widely and positively reviewed. In 1989 it was translated into Portuguese for the Brazilian edition. Three further novels have been published by the same author. Angel In the Sun ( Hodder and Stoughton 1989), Snow Red ( Hodder and Stoughton 1992) and, under the author's real name, J S Goubert Indigo Eyes, ( Feverpress 2014)