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Cheiranthus Cheiri

Wallflower \Wall"flow`er\, n.

  1. (Bot.) A perennial, cruciferous plant ( Cheiranthus Cheiri), with sweet-scented flowers varying in color from yellow to orange and deep red. In Europe it very common on old walls.

    Note: The name is sometimes extended to other species of Cheiranthus and of the related genus Erysimum, especially the American Western wallflower ( Erysimum asperum), a biennial herb with orange-yellow flowers.

  2. A lady at a ball, who, either from choice, or because not asked to dance, remains a spectator. [Colloq.]

  3. (Bot.) In Australia, the desert poison bush ( Gastrolobium grandiflorum); -- called also native wallflower.

Cheiranthus Cheiri

Gillyflower \Gil"ly*flow`er\, n. [OE. gilofre, gilofer, clove, OF. girofre, girofle, F. girofle: cf. F. girofl['e]e gillyflower, fr. girofle, Gr. ? clove tree; ? nut + ? leaf, akin to E. foliage. Cf. Caryophyllus, July-flower.] [Written also gilliflower.] (Bot.)

  1. A name given by old writers to the clove pink ( Dianthus Caryophyllus) but now to the common stock ( Matthiola incana), a cruciferous plant with showy and fragrant blossoms, usually purplish, but often pink or white.

  2. A kind of apple, of a roundish conical shape, purplish red color, and having a large core.

    Clove gillyflower, the clove pink.

    Marsh gillyflower, the ragged robin ( Lychnis Flos-cuculi).

    Queen's gillyflower, or Winter gillyflower, damewort.

    Sea gillyflower, the thrift ( Armeria vulgaris).

    Wall gillyflower, the wallflower ( Cheiranthus Cheiri).

    Water gillyflower, the water violet.