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n. (plural of cheeseburger English)

Usage examples of "cheeseburgers".

She made up a platter for Thork with three cheeseburgers and a half-dozen pieces of baklava, then did the same for Dar and Aud.

Big dinner, two cheeseburgers, French fries, onion rings, enough cholesterol to kill a horse - and then a bottle of beer.

The cheeseburgers, the French fries, the onion rings, the double-thick chocolate milkshakes - those were the culprits that had done him in.

Too many cheeseburgers, soon you look like big fat cheeseburger, start seeing little snake-eyed monsters, fall dead of shock in upstairs hall with gun in your hand like dumb whiskey-drinking detective in books.

He wished that he’d had com tay cam for dinner instead of cheeseburgers, stir-fried vegetables with Nuoc Mam sauce instead of onion rings.

Big dinner, two cheeseburgers, French fries, onion rings, enough cholesterol to kill a horse—and then a bottle of beer.

The cheeseburgers, the French fries, the onion rings, the double-thick chocolate milkshakes—those were the culprits that had done him in.

He wished that he'd had com tay cam for dinner instead of cheeseburgers, stir-fried vegetables with Nuoc Mam sauce instead of onion rings.

Nooooo, he had to offend his mother and make a statement about his independence by going instead to a diner for cheeseburgers, cheeseburgers and French fries, cheeseburgers and French fries and onion rings and a chocolate milkshake, Mr.

Its fetid breath was repulsive, reeking of dead burnt flesh and curdled milk and rancid onions—as though, in another life, it had eaten hundreds of cheeseburgers and had been plagued with indigestion even in Hell.

Ruby watched him chew slowly, break into a smile of appreciation, then wolf the three cheeseburgers down hungrily.

The Vikings, known for their voracious appetites, consumed two hundred cheeseburgers and fourteen platters of baklava.

He tucked into bacon and eggs, a luxury he rarely allowed himself “First bacon cheeseburgers, now bacon and eggs,” he said.

She took their orders for cheeseburgers, French fries, coleslaw, and Coors.