n. white sauce with grated cheese
Usage examples of "cheese sauce".
We have fresh corn on the cob, potatoes Jaspers -- that's with cheese sauce, very good, and we have hot-house strawberries for dessert.
In his earpiece Declan could hear her talking about her boyfriend: 'He's cooking supper for me tonight, cod in cheese sauce out of a packet.
Helen had taken great trouble to cook a superb dinner: crab pancakes in cheese sauce, gigot of lamb, and the most perfect quince sorbet.
Bond's eggs were delicious - chopped hard-boiled eggs, with a cream and cheese sauce laced with English mustard (English mustard seemed to be the clue to the Gloria specialities), gratings in a copper dish.
Lewis raved about his vegetable and pine nut casserole in cheese sauce.
Pretending to be hungry, she scooped up more cheese sauce onto one of the chips.
Until it was a prime slab of fillet steak sizzling in a creamy fresh blue-cheese sauce.
If the Burg was a food, it would be pasta-penne rigate, ziti, fettuccine, spaghetti, and elbow macaroni, swimming in marinara, cheese sauce, or mayo.
Venders cried their wares: ale, hot spiced wine, roast goat in cheese sauce, shellfish, squid fried in olive oil and dusted with breadcrumbs, perfumes, jewelry of all grades from cheap brass trash to massy gold encrusted with gems big as a man's eye, minor magic charms, images of Phos and his holy men.
They obediently shoveled down steamed cauliflower and broccoli with cheese sauce nonetheless.
Scott went on being the same old Scott, taking over whenever he didn't like what I was doing with the layout of the paper, helping me pick out which Ask Annie letters to print, making fun of whatever book I'd most recently loaned him, offering me bites of his homemade tortellini with four-cheese sauce at lunchtime.
Bruen had made her usual terrific dinner (fish fillets baked with tomatoes and covered with cheese sauce), and we ate it in the beautiful, clean dining room at a table with a tablecloth and flowers.
A separate chafing dish contained braised potatoes in blue cheese sauce.