Crossword clues for cheerlead
vb. To participate in cheerleading
v. act as a cheerleader in a sports event
Usage examples of "cheerlead".
Lucullus Beauregard of South Carolina, a wily cat who suggested that I be assigned to the cheerleading squad and his nephew Robert E.
Thank God for cheerleading, an extracurricular activity that her father endorsed since it provided the way his only daughter could participate in the male sport of football.
I still can't believe that you got me the entire cheerleading squad two years ago.
Forgive a little hometown cheerleading, but Miami doesn't have much to brag about in the way of light manufacturing.
Ten or fifteen years from now you'll still be talking the talk and at least trying to walk the walk, like a woman in her thirties who wears miniskirts and goes braless in an effort to convince people (most of whom don't give a shit anyway) that her cheerleading days aren't behind her.
Aarfy was a dedicated fraternity man who loved cheerleading and class reunions and did not have brains enough to be afraid.
Even though I reminded her, repeatedly, that Shameekas dad told her she is only allowed one extracurricular activity per semester, and shed already chosen cheerleading over student governing, in a decision sure to haunt her in her quest to be the first African-American woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court.
Then she said that, in honor of Amber, both the varsity and junior varsity cheerleading squads had put together an interpretive dance.
Will all girls who made the final callback for the cheerleading squad please meet at the gym at the beginning of eighth-grade lunch period.
Morgen Bredell had been in one cheerleading or pep squad or another since she was eight.
Most of the snapshots of Marianne were of her cheerleading, in her Mt.