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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cheerfulness \Cheer"ful*ness\, n. Good spirits; a state of moderate joy or gayety; alacrity.


n. The state of being cheerful; joy.

  1. n. the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom; "flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room" [syn: cheer] [ant: uncheerfulness]

  2. a feeling of spontaneous good spirits; "his cheerfulness made everyone feel better" [syn: blitheness] [ant: cheerlessness]

Usage examples of "cheerfulness".

The new Chukchi driver accepted his listing with good grace, and this together with his cheerfulness soon made him popular.

French paper and seen the Pope is dead, and a very enthusiastic account of the British troops at Dunkerque, their marvellous organisation, their cheerfulness, and their behaviour.

There is a demure look, there is an instant obedience, there is an absence of fretfulness, and an abnormal, although subdued, cheerfulness, which arouses the watchful gaze of the knowing among mothers, governesses, and nurses.

Intoxicated with rapture, I passed so rapidly from a state of sadness to one of overwhelming cheerfulness that during our supper the advocate enjoyed a thousand jokes upon my toothache, so quickly cured by the simple remedy of a walk.

Let us recall His explicit and often-repeated assurances that every Assembly elected in that rarefied atmosphere of selflessness and detachment is, in truth, appointed of God, that its verdict is truly inspired, that one and all should submit to its decision unreservedly and with cheerfulness.

The very little cheerfulness there is in Connaught is quite absent from Munster, or at least the Tipperary border of county Limerick.

I extend a daring hand towards her person, and by an involuntary movement she withdraws, blushes, her cheerfulness disappears, and, turning her head aside as if she were in search of something, she waits until her agitation has subsided.

They were witnesses to my cheerfulness and the excellent appetite with which I ate.

Judith schooled her features into cheerfulness, assured her that the days would fly and that yes, Charles had said goodbye to her, although naturally enough she supplied no details but entered whole-heartedly into a lively discussion as to whether a quiet wedding meant bridesmaids or not.

I began my dinner with a very bad humour, but the excellent appetite of my pretty guests brought me round, and I soon thought that, after all, cheerfulness was better than sulking, and I resolved to make up for my disappointment with the two charming sisters, who seemed well disposed to enjoy a frolic.

Vesian, I told the coachman to drive us to the Gros Caillou, where we made an excellent impromptu dinner, the cheerfulness of the guests making up for the deficiencies of the servants.

On my side, I discovered in her so much wit and cheerfulness, that I became deeply enamoured, and went to bed fully satisfied that, in the future, I could not keep up the show of indifference which I had so far assumed towards her.

I think, who are impressible, and of necessity depressible when their nervous systems are overtasked, but elastic, recovering easily from mental worries and fatigues, and only wanting a little change of their conditions to get back their bloom and cheerfulness.

My surprize is the greater because on Wednesday, the very day of his coming to Parklands, we had a most unexpected and unwelcome visit from Lady Susan, looking all cheerfulness and good-humour, and seeming more as if she were to marry him when she got to London than as if parted from him for ever.

Yet I must say that, unknown to everybody, I had in my purse forty bright sequins, which powerfully contributed to increase my cheerfulness, and I left Venice full of joy and without one regret.