Cheerappanchira is an Ezhava tharavadu renowned for its Kalari in Muhamma, Alappuzha District. Cheerappanchira family, Mukkal Vettom Ayyappa Temple of the family and their Kalari, are as old as the mythology of Lord Ayyappan and his abode at Sabarimala. It is believed that Ayyappan was trained in this Kalari. Young Ayyappan was trained by Cheerappanchira Panicker and became the his most brilliant student.1 It is believed that one young girl of this family fell in love with the Lord and requested to accept her as wife. But Ayyappan turned down her request and to be a “Brahmachari”. Recently, the family Kalari was reopened and around 40 students are being trained in the martial art of Kalarippayattu.