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n. (plural of check English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: check)

Usage examples of "checks".

His checks were flushed and streaming, and his stock crumpled with sweat.

With the wide mouth gcntled by slumber and the dark lashes long on his checks, in this dim light he looked about fourteen.

His callused fingers jabbed my checks and poked into my mouth, probing roughly in search of the rings.

I splashed cold water on my face, sNvished it through my mouth, drank from cupped hands, and splashed again, blood tingling through my checks and fingers.

He had leaned toward me at the last, nose and checks chilled, lips warm on mine as he whispered the last words of the storv.

His face, when he showed it, was blond-bearded, and so tair-skiiincd that I Could see the redness of his checks and nose cven at such a distance.

A hot flush rose into his checks, and his eves raked over me, his attention temporarily distracted from the leeches by being so familiarly addressed by what-I suddenly realized-appeared to be a disheveled beidame with her skirts round her thighs.

Icb babe ibn geschen, " said Herr Gottfried, sweat trickling down his checks at the recollection.

I could feel the blood draining from my checks, and was sure I looked as pale as Pastor Gottfried.

His thumbs scraped across my checks, and an expression of relief came into his sunken eyes, as he saw that my skin was still clear.

The quality of some of this comment caused the blood to throb in his checks with outrage, and onlv the fear of being arrested kept him from outright assault.

The look of angry excitement was clear now, flushing the lad's Ican checks with feeling.

Her eyes were closed, her lashes casting deep shadows on her checks, but I saw her lips curve in a smile.

Her own checks had blanched, and blue sparks glinted in her eyes, hot as the heart of a fame.

Ian was very casual, but his lean checks were slightly redder than the cold wind could account for.