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checkout line

n. a queue of people waiting to pay for purchases

Usage examples of "checkout line".

She stood at the head of the checkout line where Ollie had hidden the bags of groceries.

She filled her basket quickly, waiting in agony in the checkout line as the minutes ticked away.

She was standing in the checkout line, reading a tabloid article about space aliens having affairs with members of Congress, when her personal reality splintered.

We'd only do it in the middle of the night when no one was there, just one checkout line open and the nightshift boys unpacking canned goods in back, with Rush coming from the speakers that during the day carried Muzak.

I'd be wearing my long Loden wool coat I got at the Salvation Army in town and he'd be wearing his leather jacket with the tacky fur trim that had a surprising amount of pocket room and we'd pass through the checkout line without any hassling, my coat and his jacket weighed down with cigarettes, bottles of wine, Ha'agen Dazs ice cream, shampoo, and he would stop, just to be daring, and buy one piece of Bazooka gum.

He had killed before, and would again, and it would all mean nothing more to him than a business transaction, than paying for groceries in the checkout line.

By the time the kids were bored enough to try climbing out, Rob was breezing through the checkout line.

She could go into the store to buy water, but the idea of waiting in a long checkout line, trying not to pass out or faint from shame as the cashier and the other customers catch a whiff of her, is more than she thinks she can stand.

Both were unobtrusive and undetectable to the humans on the checkout line.

In the checkout line he stood behind Wally Toddwhistle's mother, who made costumes for the theatre club.

She had pouty, full lips like many of the women gracing the covers of the magazines displayed in the grocery checkout line.