vb. (present participle of check over English)
Usage examples of "checking over".
In the early hours of the dusk, the three SEALs were checking over the yard and exterior of the house, looking for alarms or booby traps—.
Alucius kept his voice low so that it wouldn't carry out to the main room where Veryl was dozing before the iron stove or to the front parlor where Lucenda was sitting, checking over the ledgers.
Torrance-Smythe was checking over their store of plastic explosives, fuses, detonators and grenades, while Schaffer was reading a paper-back--in German--smoking a cigarette-- also German--and faithfully guarding the radio.
While Powell and Davis began checking over the damage to the airplane, the others shared a beef stew supper with a maintenance crew in an Air Force trailer.
I flew back to London the next day along with many of the other delegates, including the colonel who was still checking over his shoulder for his surveillance as we boarded the British Airways 757.
Slotter could tell that the maintenance techs wanted to get inside to start checking over the systems to regain contact with the Hawk units at Baltimore-Washington International.
I agreed, and we spent most of that Friday closeted in the Cooper's boardroom checking over every dot and comma of the contract.
Ryan instructed, checking over the arrangement inside the barn with approval.