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a. 1 Able to be checked or verified. 2 (alternative form of chequable English)


Usage examples of "checkable".

Separately, identifications were provided, checkable and confirmable several times over.

He had taken too much-she knew what it felt like to be bludgeoned from all sides by events, un checkable emotions.

Walser read this document, noted the scholarly handwriting, the firm signature, the all too checkable address.

There were many opportunities for science to emerge, in the sense that we know it -- the reasonably dispassionate search for objective, checkable troths about the physical world.

He had not even cared that his paper went over badly and that he had been challenged from the floor to back up his theories with checkable predictions.

If you argued, the story would be repeated endlessly, with more and more un checkable evidence called in support.

There were many opportunities for science to emerge, in the sense that we know it -- the reasonably dispassionate search for objective, checkable troths about the physical world.

The snow was still falling, so the vehicle would be covered by now and the plates would be un checkable On arrival at Helsinki I'd pulled off the left-luggage ticket from under locker number eleven and collected my bag, cash, passports, and credit cards.

Her story is checkable on several major points, so before we go any further, let's check it out.