vb. (obsolete form of lang=en change)
Usage examples of "chaunge".
In this wide Inland sea, that hight by nameThe Idle lake, my wandring ship I row,That knowes her port, and thither sailes by ayme,Ne care, ne feare I, how the wind do blow,Or whether swift I wend, or whether slow:Both slow and swift a like do serue my tourne,Ne swelling Neptune, ne loud thundring IoueCan chaunge my cheare, or make me euer mourne.
In which he long time afterwards did leadAn happie life with grace and good accord,Fearlesse of fortunes chaunge or enuies dread,And eke all mindlesse of his owne deare LordThe noble Prince, who neuer heard one wordOf tydings, what did vnto him betide,Or what good fortune did to him afford,But through the endlesse world did wander wide,Him seeking euermore, yet no where him descride.
After that Timias had againe recuredThe fauour of Belphebe, (as ye heard)And of her grace did stand againe assured,To happie blisse he was full high vprear'd,Nether of enuy, nor of chaunge afeard,Though many foes did him maligne therefore,And with vniust detraction him did beard.
For though I hadde hem in myne handes two, The savour myghte in me no depper go, The sweete smel that in myn herte I fynde Hath chaunged me al in another kynde.
Which words when Paridell had heard, his hewGan greatly chaunge, and seem'd dismayd to bee.
The wretched mayd that earst desir'd to die,When as the paine of death she tasted had,And but halfe seene his vgly visnomie,Gan to repent, that she had beene so mad,For any death to chaunge life though most bad:And catching hold of this Sea-beaten chest,The lucky Pylot of her passage sad,After long tossing in the seas distrest,Her weary barke at last vppon mine Isle did rest.