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chat rooms

n. (plural of chat room English)

Usage examples of "chat rooms".

The youngster was a MUDhead - he spent hours in the Multiuser Domain chat rooms on the Internet, excelling at role-playing games and active in creating and maintaining the fantasy societies so popular in the MUD realm.

Among the chat rooms are Analyst Rooms, where issues affecting intelligence analysts are discussed.

I figured that she'd not check into any chat rooms while driving to Kansas.

I followed menus to the chat rooms, pulled up a list of the member rooms and checked to see how many people were in the one called M.

The only reason I was familiar with chat rooms was that on occasion colleagues of mine from around the world used them to meet and ask for help in particularly difficult cases or share information that we might find useful.

I scanned the list of chat rooms and clicked on one called Dear Chief Kay Dr.

Postal Service, and chat rooms weren't private phone calls, yet law enforcement agencies were increasingly limited as to what they could and could not do on the Internet.

Her name never appeared on any of the singles sites or the sexual chat rooms, so virtual sex isn’.

Her web activity ran to parenting sites, craft sites, and chat rooms.

In a major innovation for the intelligence community, Intelink even offers secret, around-the-clock chat rooms with the program WebChat.

She'd also noticed that people in chat rooms were far more verbally aggressive than they would dare to be in person.

Then some of them must have ducked into chat rooms to spread the word.