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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
chat room
▪ If you are brand new, you can go to the beginning genealogy chat room.
▪ Joining a chat channel, chat room on chat forum is like arriving at a party.
▪ Now it's on every chat room and on all of the talk-radio shows.
▪ Or you might even run to a chat room.
chat room

alt. (context Internet English) Part of a website where visitors can converse in typed messages. n. (context Internet English) Part of a website where visitors can converse in typed messages.

chat room

n. a site on the internet where a number of users can communicate in real time (typically one dedicated to a particular topic) [syn: chatroom]

Chat room

The term chat room, or chatroom, is primarily used to describe any form of synchronous conferencing, occasionally even asynchronous conferencing. The term can thus mean any technology ranging from real-time online chat and online interaction with strangers (e.g., online forums) to fully immersive graphical social environments.

The primary use of a chat room is to share information via text with a group of other users. Generally speaking, the ability to converse with multiple people in the same conversation differentiates chat rooms from instant messaging programs, which are more typically designed for one-to-one communication. The users in a particular chat room are generally connected via a shared interest or other similar connection, and chat rooms exist catering for a wide range of subjects. New technology has enabled the use of file sharing and webcam to be included in some programs. This would be considered a chat room.

Chat Room (novel)

Chat Room is a thriller novel that was published in Australia in 2006. It is the most recent work from Australian author Barbara Biggs.

Chat Room (film)

Chat Room is a 2002 American comedy film directed by Barry Bowles, and starring Brian Hooks. The plot revolves around a bet between four high-school friends; whoever brings the best-looking woman to their ten-year high school reunion wins $50,000.

Chat Room (TV show)

Chat Room, produced by Steve Rotfeld Productions (SRP), is an educational television program consisting of a young panel that discusses teen-oriented issues, giving their opinions, and advises kids how to deal with potential problems.

Usage examples of "chat room".

It was a gamble, though, and I figured I had a window of a day, two at the outside, to use her Palm Pilot to get into the chat room as though I was her, as though I was LUNA5.

You can drop into any chat room and tell the world that you live in a big beautiful house in Sunnyvale or Menlo Park or Walnut Creek and that your father is a lawyer or doctor or pilot and your mother is a designer or runs a flower store and .

You can drop into any chat room and tell the world that you live in a big beautiful house in Sunnyvale or Menlo Park or Walnut Creek and that your father is a lawyer or doctor or pilot and your mother is a designer or runs a flower store and your brother Rick is a state champion track star.

He saw her mentally flipping through every chat room conversation she'd had with the group.

After clicking on the Internet icon, Kathy entered her password and waited a moment to connect, then double clicked another icon and entered a chat room.

The secure chat room ensured a bit too much anonymity for the participants.

Because I started the chat room, and I thought I'd be a coward if I didn't take some responsibility for what happened.

So I should not have gone into that chat room, where I waited for him as if this were the O.

I had gotten obsessive about checking and sometimes found myself waiting in that chat room when I could not even be sure the FBI was watching anymore.

It might even go out on the wire, especially if an investigative reporter started digging and found out about my alleged refusal to take calls from families, and the chat room, and even the subterfuge of running into Bray in a parking lot.

I signed on and downloaded the program and selected a box that made it possible for me to be in the chat room withou~ anybody's seeing me.

What alerted us to Farley is that he went into an Internet chat room and had a lot to say about Mrs.

When she's doing her chat room / telephone / television multicommunications thing, I could strip stark naked and paint myself with green stripes and she wouldn't notice.

More than that, Elisa struck her as being too sensible, too savvy to give personal information to anyone in a chat room.