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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chastely \Chaste"ly\, adv. In a chaste manner; with purity.


adv. In a chaste manner.


adv. in a chaste and virtuous manner; "she lived chastely" [syn: virtuously]

Usage examples of "chastely".

He drew her elegant fingers to his lips and kissed them chastely, noticing at the same time the color of her remarkable eyes.

They spent the evening chastely sipping orange juice and discussing Krakatoa and the swamp rhinoceros.

Gray-eyed, calm, reproachless, tall, she stood chastely off some meters from my bed and spoke more plainly than ever in Aphrodite's grove: "That took a while.

But what you do, you chastely decline, just as you did with my sister, and I point out to Daddy that that proves the whole thing was forged by your former tutor, who's out to get you for some mysterious reason, which I think he is.

Thirty minutes later, after Dorotea had eaten a flan covered with dulce de leche, a sweet, chocolatelike substance made by boiling milk for hours, she kissed Clete chastely on the cheek, and marched off with Beth and Marjorie down a corridor in the right wing of the sprawling house to her guest room.

It was strategically located between two bars and opposite the “Mind Clearers,” as they chastely labeled themselves in blinking red fluorescents, and a dismal cavern mouth called “Pluto’s Palace,” beside which was an inaccurate model of the solar system with the planets revolving jerkily.

We have held hands as we looked down at the city, and then walked to Camden Town where she let me chastely kiss her on the lips over a full English breakfast.

One of Julie's customers was coming in from Potomac to see the dress and the other gowns Karen carried, chastely enclosed in a garment bag.

By day she was a single girl, living chastely with her parents, studying mediocrely at the university, cultivating those gifts of assiduity, nobility and forbearance which were to be her hallmarks throughout her life, up to and including the time when she was assailed by the talking washing‑chests of her past and then squashed flat as a rice pancake.

Somewhat to his surprise, she accepted, ate sparingly, drank nothing, listened to his confided ambition to be numero uno someday, and kissed him chastely on the cheek as he deposited her on her doorstep.

Alessandro's body, loathsome to all of Tuscany, was clandestinely dumped in the dark of night into the chastely sculptured sarcophagus under Dawn and Dusk.

Commodes, chastely concealing a chamber-pot for use in a lady's bedroom, might have quite a Gothic air about them, so that the infrequent pleasure of defecation -- the displacement of the Victorian female tappen -- was enhanced by a sense of historical conti­nuity.