Crossword clues for charting
n. The act by which something is charted. vb. (present participle of chart English)
Usage examples of "charting".
Beekman sitting in his accustomed chair on the bridge, charting with Kellie and drinking coffee.
Sumatra, which had been dragged out of place and stood for Ceylon in the Ptolemy maps, where its enormous size had no doubt prevented the proper charting of the Indian Peninsula.
But she did use the advantage she seemed to have gained to ask her father if she could go with Holly on the trip charting the progress of Trinidadian land crabs and when they returned, share her flat until they both went up to Oxford.
Our ability to draw from that well, the eons we spent identifying, charting, and buoying the vortices between starfields, gave us the freedom to range and conquer the worlds of the Cluster.
Maybe we can catch up on a little charting together and then get some breakfast.
Three weeks were spent in charting it and making scientific observations.
For the next few days we were occupied with the work of surveying and charting, which went comparatively quickly in the favourable weather.
They had woven in and out of the tendrils of gas, charting the infalling masses and exploring the rocky accretion disks of stars entering the main sequence.
They believe that the future price of a stock -- or a currency, a precious metal, or anything else for which frequent market-price data are published -- can be ascertained by charting price movements of the past.
For the nameless howffs, the spit 'n' sawdusts, you had to look slightly further afield, charting streets which few Scottish Office brogues from the HO down the road ever trod.
We are carrying out a hydrographic charting exercise with your people.
Henry had insisted on pursuing his avocation of charting horoscopes, had even imported his computer, embarking on a cerebral activity which apparently had no deleterious effects on his rapid recovery but did not strike Wahlman as exactly the sort of occupation suitable to a man recovering from a near-fatal head injury.
But the generous inclusiveness of King's casts of characters, the attentiveness he lavishes on their predictable reactions, the canonization of their mundane observances, the oversimplified karmic particularity of their fates, his often overly patient charting of their irresolute and unremarkable courses.
He continued charting various repairs, extractions, shapes and misshapes that made this woman who she was.
You don't expect to be seized by the senior professor in your department when you had nothing more aggressive in mind yourself than charting the continued outmigration of sandflies.