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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Charterer \Char"ter*er\, n. One who charters; esp. one who hires a ship for a voyage.


n. A person who charters something

Usage examples of "charterer".

I, yachtsman, charterer, small-time businessman, an escapee if you like into the lotus life of the Mediterranean, to know, or even to understand, the machinations of those far removed from the little Balearic island of Menorca?

She thought of the friction she had sensed between the charterers, who had raised the staggering credits needed to finance the Pern expedition, and the contractors, the specialists hired to round out the basic skills required for the undertaking.

Each could end up with a largeous amount of land or mineral rights on this new world, but the fact that the charterers would get first choice was a bone of contention.

By the terms of the Pern Charter, charterers and contractors alike would be autonomous on their stake acres.

That the charterers had more than any contractor, including herself, the astrogator, who had delivered them safely to the wretched place, was a fact that had never set well with her.

Iantine thought he'd been portrayed in the great Mural in Fort Hold, with the other Charterers: a smallish man with black hair, depicted with sharp eyes and a pad of some sort depending from his belt, and Iantine had of course noted them several writing implements stuffed in his chest pocket, and one behind his ear.

She thought of the friction she had sensed between the charterers, who had raised the staggering credits needed to finance the Pern expedition, and the contractors, the specialists hired to round out the basic skills required for the undertaking.

Each could end up with a largeous amount of land or mineral rights on this new world, but the fact that the charterers would get first choice was a bone of contention.

By the terms of the Pern Charter, charterers and contractors alike would be autonomous on their stake acres.

That the charterers had more than any contractor, including herself, the astrogator, who had delivered them safely to the wretched place, was a fact that had never set well with her.

It didnt miss Boca Stake because Paul Benden owns it, or drop on Sadrid because theyre the newest, or stop short of Thessaly because Gyorgy was one of the first charterers to claim his stake.

If he should be offered, say, a charterers stake rights, I think he might well go for it.

His smile of triumph was only one degree less than a full sneer as he left their office with the signed charterers warrant.

Charterers have agreed interruption of time charter by sub-chartering vessel to us for maximum period one month.