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chartered accountant

n. a British accountant who is a member of a professional body that has a royal charter

Chartered accountant

Chartered accountants were the first accountants to form a professional accounting body, initially established in Scotland in 1854. The Edinburgh Society of Accountants (formed 1854), the Glasgow Institute of Accountants and Actuaries (1854) and the Aberdeen Society of Accountants (1867) were each granted a royal charter almost from their inception. The title is an internationally recognised professional designation, and is generally equivalent to the American certified public accountant designation.

Chartered accountants work in all fields of business and finance, including audit, taxation, financial and general management. Some are engaged in public practice work, others work in the private sector and some are employed by government bodies.

Chartered accountants' institutes require members to undertake a minimum level of continuing professional development to stay professionally competitive. They facilitate special interest groups (for instance, entertainment and media, or insolvency and restructuring) which lead in their fields. They provide support to members by offering advisory services, technical helplines and technical libraries. They also offer opportunities for professional networking, career and business development.

Usage examples of "chartered accountant".

After all, I am a chartered accountant, not a bookkeeper he could hire anywhere.

However, upon meeting me socially, people unaware of my occupation often suppose that I am, in fact, a chartered accountant or company director.

James had no sons and my own boy is set on becoming a chartered accountant.

Ducrow sent for a chartered accountant, and he found that Gulley had been fiddling for years.

He was by profession a chartered accountant, and inclined to be stout.

And even if I did suddenly decide to be a secretary or a doctor or a chartered accountant, to learn how to do anything costs so much money.

Letitia broke away, came to London, and trained herself as a chartered accountant.

Now and then I had a novelty, like the very pretty case of Farmer's Lung I diagnosed in a chartered accountant, whose devotion to his city garden had brought it on.

We need no chartered accountant to certify our figures if we make the total twenty-eight.

He had a strange frizzy bush of hair, and he dressed like a twenty-five-year-old chartered accountant on his day off: he was wearing brand-new jeans and a Microsoft T-shirt).

Matey's struggle to qualify as a Chartered Accountant pretty much paralleled my own studies for the Bar, but of course in Netty's eyes everything had been made easy for me, whereas he did it the hard way.

He was theoretically aware that there was one, that there was a huge canonical structure with the High Priest at the top and Brutha very firmly at the bottom, but he viewed it in the same way as an amoeba might view the chain of evolution all the way between itself and, for example, a chartered accountant.