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charnel houses

n. (charnel house English)

Usage examples of "charnel houses".

Now I was led to examine the cause and progress of this decay, and forced to spend days and nights in vaults and charnel houses.

Many takers sold lizard or rat bones as human, or stole already dead bodies from charnel houses before they could be burned.

One from the charnel houses outside Morp, where provender for the Great Ones is prepared, and we have not the stomach for that one.

The Mongroid (whom she'd also gone to view in his excremental kingdom) in the sewers, Venal Anatomica in the charnel houses, she in her father's mansion.

Brett Carstairs stared up at the world whose inhabitants had wiped out the race native to this and had in turn -- so it appeared -- been exterminated by the dying Thalassians as their cities became charnel houses and their continent a tomb.

There, an Order of Lenin bought and sold in a charnel house, in the world capital of charnel houses that was Leningrad during the war!