Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Characterless \Char"ac*ter*less\, a. Destitute of any distinguishing quality; without character or force.
a. Having no distinguishing character or quality
adj. lacking distinct or individual characteristics; dull and uninteresting; "women dressed in nondescript clothes"; "a nondescript novel" [syn: nondescript]
Usage examples of "characterless".
It is a feeble, characterless, uninspiring sort of stuff, and almost as undrinkable as if it had been made in an American hotel.
Characterless babies in pushchairs, harassed mothers, the occasional father bribing his child with sweets.
The two walls of a narrow alleyway slowly formed out of the mists to either side of them as they walked on, gray and stained and characterless, with no clues as to their location.
They were bare, stark, and characterless, which suited Valentine just fine.
He was not as clever a man as he thought he was, for she was neither foolish, nor characterless, nor stupid, nor a trickster.
Whether they bought it or not was another story, but Richie did not seem comfortable in any of the small, characterless homes that she pulled him through.
Any made-up language must be characterless and lifeless -- look at Esperanto, etc.
I envied him not his bulk nor his appetite, but his freedom from restraint, and swallowed my characterless vitamins wishing they at least smelled of breakfast.
The new arrival wore the silver brand of the Empress' personal espers on his brow and was dressed in pale, characterless clothes.
Also at the table when Jack arrived were Brad and Karl, two young lieutenants who had been in Germany for only three months, and Captain Schultz, Jack's characterless, ineffective acquaintance from the Greenham base.
It was uncanny to see the Emir's distinctive lineaments in the unformed, characterless features.
In almost every Utopia—except, perhaps, Morris's “News from Nowhere”—one sees handsome but characterless buildings, symmetrical and perfect cultivations, and a multitude of people, healthy, happy, beautifully dressed, but without any personal distinction whatever.
The wordless choir, with its eternal bridge-passage straight out of the compositions of Dmitri Tiomkin, diminished behind them, and the voice of the lay preacher came roaring back through to them over the fading, characterless music.
He would start at the blackboard, sounding like a particularly characterless Al, and behind his back they would roll their eyes and make faces as he droned on about partial pressures or infrared rays.
He looked away, at his pale, grey, characterless furniture, the weepy neutral carpet and noncolored walls.