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character reference

n. A statement, concerning the character of a person, furnished for someone applying for a post

character reference

n. a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person's qualifications and dependability; "requests for character references are all to often answered evasively" [syn: character, reference]

Usage examples of "character reference".

The sight of that left arm had been as good as a character reference from the First Sea Lord.

We have worked together for thirty-six years, and no one in America is better qualified to give her a character reference than me.

The one thing that bothered Gerswin was the out-of-character reference to Sher Cerdezo.

Logan came to see me a month ago to get that character reference about you.

As much as I probably despise the woman, I suppose that's as good a character reference as you could ask for.

As much as I probably despise the woman, I suppose thats as good a character reference as you could ask for.

Tom and Dorian handed each a canvas purse, and a deed of manumission and release from service, with a glowing letter of character reference.

His name's Jones, dark glasses spewing cigarette smoke answering an ad for a job as a porter in a honky-tonk nightclub, he's asked for a character reference.

Because no matter how much you've published, the dean of wherever you apply is going to check with us for a character reference.