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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chaotically \Cha*ot"ic*al*ly\, adv. In a chaotic manner.


adv. In a chaotic manner.

  1. adv. in a wild and confused manner; "the drugged man was talking chaotically"

  2. in a manner suggestive of chaos; "the room was chaotically disorganized"

Usage examples of "chaotically".

Gordon lay in his bed, and in his mind Lianna, Murn, Jhal Arn and the Disruptor all spun chaotically before he finally slept.

Chig were moving toward them, weapons at the ready, the whelps scampering chaotically around their feet.

Troeltsch says he for his own part wouldn't be just sitting and lying there if any of the Little Buddies under his personal charge were out there getting potentially injured, and Hal reflects that he does feel a certain sort of intense anxiety, but can't sort through the almost infinite-seeming implications of what Troeltsch is saying fast enough to determine whether the anxiety is over something about what he's seeing or something in the connection between what Troeltsch is saying and the degree to which he's absorbed in what's going on out inside the fence, which is a degenerative chaos so complex in its disorder that it's hard to tell whether it seems choreographed or simply chaotically disordered.

She'd turned a complete circle, taking in the strange conflation of creaky old buildings, chaotically jumbled wreckage, and new mega-structure with a childlike expression of awe.

Then—here's my guess—tremendous magnetic fields are interacting, the star's and the planet's, changeably, chaotically.

Battered by a supernova shock, the cloud quickly coalesced into planetesimals: loosely aggregated lumps of rock and ice that swam chaotically through the dark, like blind fish.

The sensors, almost a hundred meters back, on the front of the secondary hull, showed the surface of the gate, still swirling and flickering chaotically, begin to stretch and bend, as if it were an elastic membrane onto which the chaos was being projected.

Apart from books, the room was also filled with drawings, lithographs, engravings, photographs and illustrations from newspapers and magazines that chaotically plastered entire walls, in some places even overlapping, so that not a single spot was left free.

They tottered and rolled chaotically in the dimming light, churning up the slough.