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Change of Pace

Change of Pace is an album by jazz saxophonist Johnny Griffin which was recorded in 1961 and released on the Riverside label.

Usage examples of "change of pace".

Since Tool and Toe stood in the open, it was impossible that they had not been seen, yet the three displayed no perturbation or change of pace as they strode nearer.

Writing the switch off to each man wanting a change of pace, I didn’.

He liked to think that he had been sent along on Shonsu's mission as pilot, a guide to interpret the will of the gods as it might be revealed from time to time, and he did not know what to make of this sudden change of pace.

He'll tire me out more, of course, but it'll still be a nice change of pace.

Her parents had tired of living in Cupertino, California, and thought that running a Coast to Coast hardware franchise in Fremont would be an adventurous change of pace.

The change of pace was also perfect, because Nadi was a streak as he smashed with both hands.