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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chalybeate \Cha*lyb"e*ate\, a. [NL. chalybeatus, fr. chalube["i]us. See Chalubean.] Impregnated with salts of iron; having a taste like iron; as, chalybeate springs.


Chalybeate \Cha*lyb"e*ate\, n. Any water, liquid, or medicine, into which iron enters as an ingredient.


a. Flavored with mineral salts n. A mineral water that was a voguish general remedy during the 17th-19th century.


adj. containing or impregnated with or tasting of iron


Chalybeate waters, also known as ferruginous waters, are mineral spring waters containing salts of iron.

Usage examples of "chalybeate".

Lord Nettlecombe had gone to try what the Harrowgate Chalybeate would do for his gout.

Besides the race course, the theatre, and the principal Chalybeate, High Harrowgate possessed a large green, which was one of its most agreeable features, and round which three of its chief hotels stood, a great many shops, and what bore all the appearance of being a fashionable library.

He had already enquired for him at the Dragon and the Granby, without meeting with anything but blank looks and head-shakings, so, as the Chalybeate, under its imposing dome, lay on the opposite side of the green he thought he might as well make that his first port of call.

But none of the attendants seemed to have heard of his lordship, the most helpful amongst them being unable to do more than suggest that he should be sought at the Tewit Well, which was the second of the two Chalybeates, situated half-a-mile to the west of the principal one.

If only he could find a chalybeate, just the right one, he would be healed.

He came to believe that his chalybeate is the iron in human blood, but he could not get enough of it before he went to prison, and he can't get it at all now.

I always bring her, when we are by a chalybeate, to take the waters before breakfast.

Under a little house, as it were, built over a stream is a chalybeate fountain with virtues like those of Tunbridge Wells.

Here and there thermal springs and chalybeate waters escaped from the black lava, and thin dark vapors rose above the volcanic soil.

She met Captain Audley on the Steyne, and took him up beside her, and drove him to the Chalybeate Spring at Hove and back again.

The surrounding pages contained almost equally perfervid advertisements for the Kaiserbad, the Ludwigsbad, the Marienbad, the Johannisbad and several others, each attempting to top all the others' claims of miracle resurrections wrought by their mud baths, sulphur baths, chalybeate baths, esoteric methods of massage, water cures, galvanic cures, dietary cures, etc.