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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
resign your chairmanship
▪ Mr Hunt announced that he has resigned his chairmanship of the committee.
▪ The logical culmination of the process came when the pop singer and song-writer Elton John took over the chairmanship of Watford.
▪ Several women took over powerful committee chairmanships and a growing bloc of 14 Latinos helped elect Bustamante speaker.
▪ The majority takes command of committee chairmanships, the bulk of staff positions, and legislative scheduling.
▪ Brown resigned the chairmanship of the committee in March.
▪ By effective chairmanship this was achieved.
▪ Ebner said he is weighing a candidate to rival Chief Executive Robert Studer for its chairmanship.
▪ In 1972 a committee under the chairmanship of Lord Franks was appointed to review the position.
▪ Valin had resigned the chairmanship in 1989.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chairmanship \Chair"man*ship\, n. The office of a chairman of a meeting or organized body.


n. The office, or the term of a chairman.


n. the position of chairman

Usage examples of "chairmanship".

David and Abraham running things in Melbourne and himself in Hobart and all of it under his own reasonably benign chairmanship.

In all, 702 hexes maintained permanent or semipermanent representatives in Zone, and had their own interzone council with rotating chairmanship.

CINC who had done it, practiced jointness, to move up to the chairmanship.

Sociology chairmanship, and then it would only be a matter of months until one of the big universities came through with the right offer.

Luckily, Kingsley had begged off chairmanship of this group, and a bulky French astrophysicist got the job of carrying their conclusions to figures in the Department of Defense and to their parallel figures with the U.

Fathers of Padua, in his bright red robes, and also that disgusting pea brain, Bishop Ralphy Bruce Preachintent, who had just passed his chairmanship to Shammar.

His chairmanship, with its politically necessary but distracting need to shuttle between the EU capitals of Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg, was still six months away time enough to put into place all the professional stepping stones he intended using for even greater personal success and honour.

They looked expectantly at him, waiting for his lead, and Sanglier decided their automatic deference gave the revolving chairmanship little purpose beyond political necessity.

Sanglier was the first, with David Winslow and Jorge Ortega: the Commission chairmanship had switched to Spain.

And there sat the superannuated Cardinal Leemus O'Lanners of the Fathers of Padua, in his bright red robes, and also that disgusting pea brain, Bishop Ralphy Bruce Preachintent, who had just passed his chairmanship to Shammar.

With only two days to go before the transfer of the chairmanship, there was no concern in the Austrian's voice.

We have leadership support, advancement support, we have chairmanships and vice chairmanships, we have goals and even special funds, but the word we never use is money.

It would be her father, United States Senator Linus Sherman, who was not only her male parent, but was also a man of great seniority and influence and chairmanships in the most august body in the United States, or perhaps anywhere.

When one senator, like me, gets some seniority, works his way up into a few key committee chairmanships, then some states are more equal than others.

But the kind of research they had in mind involved bigger and more lavishly equipped departments, computers that even the particle physicists would envy, more chairmanships and committees, and appointments to oversee unmanned missions to various parts of the Solar System.