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The Collaborative International Dictionary

chagrined \chagrined\ adj. feeling vexed, especially due to feeling inferior or unworthy and hence embarrassed; as, chagrined at the poor sales of his book.

Syn: embarrassed, mortified.


vb. (en-past of: chagrin)


adj. feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious; "felt abashed at the extravagant praise"; "chagrined at the poor sales of his book"; "was embarrassed by her child's tantrums" [syn: abashed, embarrassed]

Usage examples of "chagrined".

However, John of Salisbury relates that Louis, who had not ceased to cherish the queen with an almost boyish ardor, was surprised, chagrined, and terribly upset by the outpouring of her grievances, and at once took measures to resist her purposes.

When orders from government threw us together I was as much chagrined as you.

She glanced down quickly at her wristwatch, chagrined to see that it was nearly 7:30 P.

Melissa, was even more delighted, although also chagrined because she had to give back the dictionaries that he had given her.

He was chagrined to realize how seldom he had thought about her since his arrival in the Freeman Camp.

Lowbacca hunched down in his seat with a chagrined look that needed no interpreter.

His wife was delighted that he hadn't gone, and his girlfriend, Melissa, was even more delighted, although also chagrined because she had to give back the dictionaries that he had given her.

Much chagrined at seeing Tom hold pace with him, even for an instant, Andy shouted.