Chaar (English: Four) is a Bengali anthology film, directed by Sandip Ray and produced by Shrikant Mohta, Mahendra Soni and Nispal Singh under the banner of Shree Venkatesh Films and Surinder Films. It based on four stories by different writers- Bateswarer Abodan by Parasuram, Porikkha by Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay, Kagtarua and Dui Bondhu by Satyajit Ray. The film features Saswata Chatterjee, Abir Chatterjee, Koel Mallick, Paran Bandopadhyay in the lead roles, and Sreelekha Mitra, Sudipta Chakraborty, Pijush Ganguly in the supporting roles.
Usage examples of "chaar".
And as the gyse was in his contree, Ful hye upon a chaar of gold stood he, With foure white boles in the trays.
Aboute his chaar ther wenten white alauntz, Twenty and mo, as grete as any steer, To hunten at the leoun or the deer, And folwed hym, with mosel faste ybounde, Colored of gold, and tourettes fyled rounde.
Amonges othere thynges that he wan, Hir chaar, that was with gold wroght and perree, This grete Romayn, this Aurelian, Hath with hym lad for that men sholde it see.
And for that Nichanore and Thymothee Of Jewes weren venquysshed myghtily, Unto the Jewes swich an hate hadde he That he bad greithen his chaar ful hastily, And swoor, and seyde, ful despitously, Unto Jerusalem he wolde eft-soone, To wreken his ire on it ful cruelly.
Appollo whirleth up his chaar so hye Til that the god Mercurius hous, the slye- (Unfinished.