Ceste is a small settlement in the Municipality of Rogaška Slatina in eastern Slovenia, close to the border with Croatia. The entire Rogaška Slatina area traditionally belonged to the Styria region and is now included in the Savinja Statistical Region.
Usage examples of "ceste".
Lady Cestes, Garphawayn, here to negotiate a contract of marriage with Squilyp of Maftuda.
Lady Cestes fingered one of her many ornaments and studied the deck overhead.
It was possible Lady Cestes was feeling defensive, being alone on a ship surrounded by strangers.
After the chapter devoted to Tangut in general, and before that which contains the description of its capital, are three chapters treating successively of the provinces of Camul, Ginchintalas, and Juctang, in the latter of which we find this passage: 'Et la grant provence jeneraus où ceste provence (Juctang) est, et ceste deux (Camul et Ginchintalas) que je vos ai contés en arrieres, est appellés Tangut.
Li posi a seccare all'interno del recinto, e quando furono pronti li portai nella mia grotta dove, approfittando della stagione piovosa successiva, mi diedi a confezionare come meglio potevo un gran numero di ceste, sia per trasportare la terra, sia per trasportare o riporvi altre cose, a seconda delle circostanze.