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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Certify \Cer"ti*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Certified; p. pr. & vb. n. Certifying.] [F. certifier, LL. certificare; L. certus certain + facere to make. See Certain, and cf. Certificate, v. t.]

  1. To give cetain information to; to assure; to make certain.

    We certify the king, that . . . thou shalt have no portion on this side the river.
    --Ezra iv. 16.

  2. To give certain information of; to make certain, as a fact; to verify.

    The industry of science at once certifies and greatly extends our knowledge of the vastness of the creation.
    --I. Taylor.

  3. To testify to in writing; to make a declaration concerning, in writing, under hand, or hand and seal.

    The judges shall certify their opinion to the chancellor, and upon such certificate the decree is usually founded.

    Certified check, A bank check, the validity of which is certified by the bank on which it is drawn.


vb. (present participle of certify English)

Usage examples of "certifying".

Her permitting Harold Bray to service her in exchange for Certifying me I comprehended, revolting as was the idea.

Their problem, as some saw and others didn't, was complex: if Bray's Certifications were false, how reconcile his Certifying me for having declared them so?

As for Stoker, this declaration on the heels of my Certifying his Candidacy made him truly berserk: he wrenched the motorcycle into gear, cursing, babbling, snarling at once, while tears coursed over his grimed cheeks.

He might merely have you utter a formula of enslavement, though, again, doubtless in the presence of witnesses, who might sign a paper certifying their witnessing of your declaration.

This is the secretary of state and others certifying the statewide outcome, as they view it.