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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a birth certificate (=an official document showing when and where you were born)
an insurance certificate/a certificate of insurance
▪ The courts recognize the insurance certificate as evidence of being insured.
an insurance certificate/a certificate of insurance
▪ The courts recognize the insurance certificate as evidence of being insured.
birth certificate
death certificate
gift certificate
marriage certificate
medical certificate
MOT certificate
▪ an MOT certificate
Scottish Qualifications Certificate, the
stock certificate
test certificate
▪ Where the witness is ill it is advisable to send a medical certificate with the notice itself.
▪ Pilots over age 40 must renew the medical certificate required as a condition of licensing every two years.
▪ Remember, if you are sick for a second week, we shall require a medical certificate.
▪ The claimant should then submit medical certificates for the duration of their absence from work.
▪ Weekly benefits are paid at four weekly intervals, in arrears, following receipt of medical certificates.
▪ She even had a medical certificate to prove she was clean.
▪ If you're sick you have to get a medical certificate.
▪ If a member of staff is sick for more than 7 days they must provide a medical certificate.
▪ Savings include cash, money in bank and building society accounts, national savings certificates and accounts, premium bonds and shares.
▪ Those who succeed receive a national certificate that signals their accomplishments to employers and that they can take from company to company.
▪ The remaining government funding requirement was met by sales of national savings certificates to the amount of 2.2 billion.
▪ Under this heading parents might go for a mixture of building society deposits or National Savings certificates.
▪ On selling his National Savings certificates, he would be paid by cheque and his bank deposit would increase.
▪ Sir Ron has put forward three models for a national certificate, including one he terms a baccalaureate.
▪ Once admitted, the solicitor is required to maintain a practising certificate, for which a substantial annual fee is charged.
▪ Last November, reduced practising certificate fees for low-earning solicitors were introduced.
▪ One of their partners had unwittingly failed to renew his practising certificate.
▪ However small a member's practising income, certificate and professional indemnity insurance will still be needed.
▪ A major review was undertaken of the Society's regulatory functions including practising certificates, accountant's reports and investment business certificates.
▪ The Law Society could reciprocate with information on solicitors who had failed to renew their practising certificates.
▪ It was also suggested that solicitors should display their practising certificates and last accountant's report in their offices.
▪ On my birth certificate it states that I was born in Oban, which seems an unlikely place for the second coming.
▪ You have to get your birth certificate and whatever else is needed just as soon as, you can.
▪ Banks and building societies ask that children produce their birth certificate and proof of their parental address.
▪ Our selectors would do well to not pay too much attention to birth certificates.
▪ I've seen my birth certificate.
▪ No one without passports and birth certificates would be allowed in.
▪ The coroner issues the death certificate, usually ascribing death to a disease found during the post-mortem examination.
▪ There are no death certificates for these children.
▪ Information for the follow up study was collected by means of personal interviews, death certificates, and records from hospitals and nursing homes.
▪ How can I have a death certificate?
▪ He looked like a man who would sign a mean death certificate.
▪ She went immediately to the doctor who had signed the death certificate.
▪ They have searched for the death certificate.
▪ They could not know that John and Angela were still not officially dead, no death certificate having been issued.
▪ Show him you are sensitive to his needs with a gift certificate to that utopia of contraptions, Sharper Image.
▪ Some readers sent department store gift certificates and money for food.
▪ That includes Harley-Davidson sunglasses, leather biker clothing, bottles of wine and gift certificates.
▪ Steve immediately sent Alice and her friend $ 50 gift certificates and long written apologies.
▪ Members in three units receive gift certificates for meeting their goal four consecutive weeks.
▪ It takes San Francisco marriage certificates for 1980 as its main data base.
▪ The Law Society will require evidence such as a marriage certificate, deed poll or statutory declaration.
▪ Your marriage certificate is a couple of pounds extra.
▪ No baptism has been traced, though his marriage certificate records him as the son of John Crockford, schoolmaster.
▪ We both believed that a marriage certificate wasn't that important.
▪ A marriage certificate in London and the telephone book had done the work for him.
▪ Spouses or newly-weds should carry a copy of their marriage certificate where passports and rickets are in different names.
▪ His birth certificate, however, casts doubts on the marriage certificate's claim that a Charles Downer was his father.
▪ The milometer says 31,000 miles, but the last MOT certificate says 57,000 miles.
▪ Individual shareholders will continue to have their transactions settled through the existing Talisman system, which issues share certificates and transfer forms.
▪ Mortgages of shares are usually made by depositing the share certificate with the lender.
▪ They might ring up and ask why some of their share certificates had not arrived.
▪ Most related to delays in settlement and receipt of share certificates.
▪ A share certificate will contain two statements on which the company will know that reliance may be placed.
▪ Such a scheme will allow firms operating on the exchange to hold and transfer shares without the need for share certificates.
▪ The existing settlements systems, which involves banks, custodians, registrars, paper share certificates and so on is expensive by international standards.
▪ Proof that the motor vehicle required a test certificate is often overlooked.
▪ How do I apply for a birth certificate?
▪ The best course is to apply for the relevant certificate at an early stage.
▪ This applies equally to certificates, diplomas, degrees or honours awards.
▪ In 1863 she was awarded a first-class certificate.
▪ The family doctor who has attended the person must complete a certificate giving the cause of death.
▪ In 1980, after a two-year course at the Chelmer Institute, he gained the certificate of social service.
▪ If the shares are held under a nominee name, the client will not get certificates at all.
▪ He says, First locate where the person died, get the death certificate, and then find the notary.
▪ You have to get your birth certificate and whatever else is needed just as soon as, you can.
▪ Next stop was the local police station to get another certificate to say that I had no previous convictions.
▪ In order to get along in a world which is controlled by outsiders and Westerners, you need to get that certificate.
▪ If you're sick you have to get a medical certificate.
▪ Maybe you can get me a certificate.
▪ People who paid credits were given certificates showing the amount actually paid.
▪ Wills gave this certificate, dated June 24, 1737, to Harrison as an official pat on the back.
▪ None of the fathers' job descriptions given on the birth certificate referred to work at a nuclear establishment.
▪ Besides, nobody has given me a certificate.
▪ For their success the staff were given a framed certificate, together with £100 to donate to the charity of their choice.
▪ We gave that other certificate away to some one else, but if you want to emigrate, we can get you another.
▪ It's worthwhile to give certificates on almost every conceivable occasion.
▪ Everybody sat around and ate, then listened as the coaches gave out letters and certificates.
▪ He is not disqualified from taking part in refusing a certificate or in granting a certificate for other premises.
▪ Trial judges are not required to grant certificates where the conditions are met; they simply have power to grant certificates.
▪ Mr Chance, who at one time owned a cruiser, holds an international helmsman certificate from the Royal Yachting Association.
▪ But some two dozen states collect delinquent taxes on property by holding lien certificate auctions.
▪ I called Dov Kalmenzohn and he agreed to hold my certificate for another few days.
▪ On the day Wendy was to go home a woman came to issue a birth certificate for the baby.
▪ The government's gold and diamond office in Freetown will issue the certificates.
▪ The parties are under no contractual obligation to allow each other to make representations to the auditor before he issues his certificate.
▪ Firms issuing false certificates might be subject to lawsuits, but these are expensive.
▪ In view of the importance of the competences concerned, we will issue separate certificates for the units.
▪ These laboratories are then authorised to issue formal certificates and reports for specific types of measurement and tests.
▪ They issue certificates of deposits, often based on fictitious assets such as bogus gold mines.
▪ You do not need to declare certificates in your yearly tax return.
▪ In order to get along in a world which is controlled by outsiders and Westerners, you need to get that certificate.
▪ It is worrying if people are being deterred from obtaining such a certificate of qualification by prohibitive costs.
▪ A public-key user needs to obtain and validate a certificate containing the required public key.
▪ This done you can obtain your certificate of madness, as a fun souvenir of Gubbio, from the nearby shop!
▪ In addition, at least a third of the staff should have obtained a food handlers certificate.
▪ However, if you pay off the defaulted loan you can obtain a certificate of satisfaction from your lender.
▪ For all, apart from Anglican weddings, you must obtain a certificate or certificate with licence from the local superintendent registrar.
▪ It was satisfied that every reasonable effect had been made to obtain a certificate of service.
▪ Jonathan was presented with a certificate, cheque and various prizes at a ceremony at Magnesium Elektron, Swinton.
▪ The legion presented a trophy and certificates to students and staff.
▪ He will be presented with a framed certificate at a ceremony in London.
▪ A sub-contractor who holds an I, S or P certificate must present the actual certificate to the builder for inspection.
▪ Depot manager Bernard Cullen presented David with his certificate.
▪ He then presented a certificate to the new Fellow,.
▪ While in Darlington, Mr Rifkind is to present special certificates to two local businessmen.
▪ Banks and building societies ask that children produce their birth certificate and proof of their parental address.
▪ At that time it was not necessary to produce a birth certificate in support of the application.
▪ Last time I even had to produce my wedding certificate!!
▪ No stamp duty should be payable because of these reliefs but the Regulations do not provide for a hybrid certificate.
▪ Do not provide spurious sickness certificates: these prolong the illness.
▪ If a member of staff is sick for more than 7 days they must provide a medical certificate.
▪ There have been a number of instances of members not receiving certificates promptly.
▪ Those who succeed receive a national certificate that signals their accomplishments to employers and that they can take from company to company.
▪ After two years he received the certificate of the college for proficiency in chemistry.
▪ Students who complete the program receive a skills certificate along with their high school diploma.
▪ The policy will be suspended from the day we receive the certificate.
▪ Sedares and the Louisville Orchestra would receive certificates.
▪ On registration by the company a buyer receives a new certificate and the seller a balance certificate for any shares he retains.
▪ Each nominee received a certificate from academy president Arthur Hiller in recognition of his or her artistic achievements.
▪ Remember, if you are sick for a second week, we shall require a medical certificate.
▪ Furthermore, sports collectibles require certificates of authenticity in California.
▪ Trial judges are not required to grant certificates where the conditions are met; they simply have power to grant certificates.
▪ If you want to suspend this policy you must send your certificate of motor insurance back to us.
▪ Some readers sent department store gift certificates and money for food.
▪ Where the witness is ill it is advisable to send a medical certificate with the notice itself.
▪ If you are, they will send you a certificate, which is valid for six months.
▪ The court will send a certificate if necessary of satisfaction to the registry and issues a certificate of satisfaction to the debtor.
▪ He will even send you an official certificate.
▪ When it was over, the judges signed a certificate saying that they believed Harrison had indeed told them everything he knew.
▪ Apart from anything else, if there were suspicious circumstances, the doctor wouldn't have signed a certificate.
▪ When Keyishian refused to sign a certificate stating he was not a Communist, his contract was not renewed.
▪ He looked like a man who would sign a mean death certificate.
▪ She went immediately to the doctor who had signed the death certificate.
▪ In that way they secured a majority to sign their certificates.
▪ Betsy earned a teaching certificate from San Jose State University.
▪ A sub-contractor who holds an I, S or P certificate must present the actual certificate to the builder for inspection.
▪ He must receive the above certificates the day before the cremation is due to take place.
▪ He thought of Miss Sadie coming across the little socks and the certificate.
▪ If you lose the certificates, you can sign an affidavit and still retrieve the will.
▪ In order to get along in a world which is controlled by outsiders and Westerners, you need to get that certificate.
▪ Proof that the motor vehicle required a test certificate is often overlooked.
▪ Students who complete the program receive a skills certificate along with their high school diploma.
▪ The claimant should then submit medical certificates for the duration of their absence from work.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Certificate \Cer*tif"i*cate\, n. [F. certificat, fr. LL. certificatus made certain, p. p. of certificare. See tify.]

  1. A written testimony to the truth of any fact; as, certificate of good behavior.

  2. A written declaration legally authenticated.

    Trial by certificate, a trial which the testimony of the person certifying is the only proper criterion of the point in dispute; as, when the issue is whether a person was absent in the army, this is tried by the certificate of the proper officer in writing, under his seal.


Certificate \Cer*tif"i*cate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Certificated; p. pr. & vb. n. Certificating.] [See Certify.]

  1. To verify or vouch for by certificate.

  2. To furnish with a certificate; as, to certificate the captain of a vessel; a certificated teacher.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., "action of certifying," from French certificat, from Medieval Latin certificatum "thing certified," noun use of neuter past participle of certificare (see certify). Of documents, from mid-15c., especially a document which attests to someone's authorization to practice or do something (1540s).


n. 1 A document containing a certified statement. 2 A document evidencing ownership or debt. 3 (context computing theory English) The information needed in order to verify a positive answer to a problem. vb. To supply with a certificate, especially following certification

  1. n. a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts [syn: certification, credential, credentials]

  2. a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends; "he held several valuable securities" [syn: security]

  1. v. present someone with a certificate

  2. authorize by certificate


Certificate may refer to:

  • Certificate of authenticity, a document or seal certifying the authenticity of something
  • Certificate of deposit, or CD, a financial product commonly offered to consumers by banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions
Certificate (HETAC)

The HETAC One-Year Certificate is a subdegree qualification offered by the Higher Education and Training Awards Council as a one year full-time course in a specific discipline, below the standard of the National Certificate or National Diploma.

The certificate is classified as an introductory, foundation or skills based qualification which is used to give a student a general understanding of a specific discipline, and introduce key concepts. The certificate prepares a student for work or further study, but most likely the former.

Certificate (complexity)

In computational complexity theory, a certificate (also called a witness) is a string that certifies the answer to a computation, or certifies the membership of some string in a language. A certificate is often thought of as a solution path within a verification process, which is used to check whether a problem gives the answer "Yes" or "No".

In the decision tree model of computation, certificate complexity is the minimum number of the n input variables of a decision tree that need to be assigned a value in order to definitely establish the value of the Boolean function f.

Usage examples of "certificate".

I had agreed the deal with Patrick Evans and checked the share ownership certificate, which showed him to be the sole owner, with sixty-four-sixty-fourths of the shares, I had pictures taken of the catamaran, some with the sails up, others of the saloon with the table laid, a vase of wild flowers and a large Balearic crayfish as the centrepiece.

I entreat him likewise to forward my certificate of baptism, the seal with the armorial bearings of my family, and a legal certificate of my birth to the French ambassador in Venice, who will send the whole to the duke, my father, my rights of primogeniture belonging, after my demise, to the prince, my brother.

You have seen his armorial bearings, his certificate of baptism, as well as what he wrote with his own hand.

And even more important, do not automatically click Yes in any dialog box that may indicate a security issue, such as an invalid, expired, or revoked digital certificate.

I said I would not sign a death certificate for one of our veteran dogs unless, after an extensive detraining program, the dog had proven incorrigible and a danger to civilian society.

He had no exams, no certificates and, after all his years in the Brothers, he could barely read and write.

Martian nitrogen isotopic signatures, with geochemical spectroscopic certificates.

Certificates of Merit, a lifetime supply of FunTwinks cereal, and checks for a thousand New Dollars each, by Hizzoner the Governor of Kansas.

Last month Hussein applied to the local religious council to receive a kashrut certificate for his restaurant Dallas .

Ambassador in Kinshasa, and a birth certificate more representative of the historical realities, shall we say?

I expect that you, like me and everybody else in the borough, will be cashing in your share certificate on Monday and pocketing the moolah, before getting on with the tarring and feathering.

This way we would be ready to move once the Court sent over to us a judicial decree that permitted the issuance of a nonphysical remains death certificate.

Can you imagine any mortgage company in America at that moment in time, refusing to accept a New York City nonphysical remains death certificate, or not granting a WTC-victim family a few months grace on a mortgage payment?

The priciest items in the display cases even came with a certificate of authenticity, signed by the artist or craftsman.

The young lovers, provided with the necessary certificates and accompanied by two witnesses, presented themselves before the Patriarch of Venice, who performed over them the marriage ceremony.