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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1935, from cerebro-, comb. form of Latin cerebrum (see cerebral) + vascular.


a. (context anatomy English) Having to do with the blood vessels that run to or from the brain.


adj. of or relating to the brain and the blood vessels that supply it; "a cerebrovascular accident"

Usage examples of "cerebrovascular".

CVA, a cerebrovascular accident, what used to be called a cerebral haemorrhage.

He said that I was quite unusual in that while I had undergone major sense deprivation in those first weeks following my cerebrovascular accident and while there was obvious left hemiparesis, there was no sign of paroxia or loss of visual perception.

Colt Peacemaker except a larger, more dramatic version of my own cerebrovascular accident?

What if the bullet had struck the skull, even entered it, but done no more damage to her brain than my cerebrovascular accident had done to me?

Robin Broadhead had suffered a cerebrovascular accident, all right, but the lie that was tacked on said I was showing steady improvement.

Jimmy was pinned under wreckage, a cerebrovascular accident that had failed to throw him clear of the crash.

I predict they'll find a cerebrovascular accident of some kind, assuming he survives the infection.

The story went out that Robin Broadhead had suffered a cerebrovascular accident, all right, but the lie that was tacked on said I was showing steady improvement.