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n. (plural of cephalopod English)

Usage examples of "cephalopods".

Yet if we compare the older Reptiles and Batrachians, the older Fish, the older Cephalopods, and the eocene Mammals, with the more recent members of the same classes, we must admit that there is some truth in the remark.

And the cephalopods, mollusks that had lost their shells in the dim past, became streamlined in action, used a smoke screen of ink to mask their escapes, and lived in houses of their own contriving.

A number of Pendju females were smoking some kind of meaty cephalopods or mollusks on a nearby wooden rack.

Sam had underestimated the number of cephalopods they could expect to encounter.

Driven by curiosity, passion, or forces unimaginable to mankind, the cephalopods began to scurry around each bipedal figure.

Immediately two of the blue cephalopods began a stately pirouette about her fingertips, twisting and somersaulting with gravity-defying grace.

It had moved a mountain of ocean and frightened the milling cephalopods into instant oblivion.

Whatever had terrified the cephalopods had done the same to all other local motile life.

Since the days of the legendary Great Kraken said to arise from the depths to wreath its arms about the mast of a ship and draw it down into darkness-there had been horror stories of the cephalopods and their cold-blooded enmity to his kind.

And with mounting excitement he saw that Chris had been rightthis section of reef housed more of the cephalopods than he had ever seen gathered together before.