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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cephalic \Ce*phal"ic\, a. [L. cephalicus, Gr. ?, fr. kefalh` head: cf. F. c['e]phalique.] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the head. See the Note under Anterior.

Cephalic index (Anat.), the ratio of the breadth of the cranium to the length, which is taken as the standard, and equal to 100; the breadth index.

Cephalic vein, a large vein running from the back of the head alond the arm; -- so named because the ancients used to open it for disorders of the head.


Cephalic \Ce*pha"lic\, n. A medicine for headache, or other disorder in the head.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"pertaining to the head," early 15c., from Latin cephalicus, from Greek kephalikos "pertaining to the head," from kephale (see cephalo-).


a. 1 Of or referring to the head; headlike 2 Of, or pertaining to, the cephalon


adj. of or relating to the head [ant: caudal]


Usage examples of "cephalic".

English school children, and found the average cephalic index for 2298 boys to be 78.

Normally Baram would take him at once to the infirmary for a full cephalic scan, but now he must stay here and watch for some possible opportunity to help Cory, however unlikely.

They were a form of mutated twinning, joined at the base of the skull so that a single cephalic structure served both separate bodies.

Micro-men the heavy emergent Mark 6s with their clawed and jointed arms and monocular cephalic turrets, the rest lower-numbered Marks of the sort that merely made Richard-the-Third humps under clothing.

In fact, especially considering the brachycephalic morphology of the skullit has a cephalic index of 83, to be preciseit very closely resembles that of a contemporary northern European.

Normally Baram would take him at once to the infirmary for a full cephalic scan, but now he must stay here and watch for some possible opportunity to help Cory, however unlikely.

Waterhouse did after giving his certificate in favor of Whitwell's celebrated Cephalic Snuff.

The dried and powdered leaves of Asarabacca (Asarum Europaeum) are used in the preparation of cephalic snuffs, exciting sneezing and giving relief to headache and weak eyes.

Given his prints and cephalic index Interpol in Paris will identify him within the hour.

Could be any of four others under alias, but unlikely: identification impossible without cephalic index and fingerprints.

Beside each name Mr Flawse put the age of the candidate, the colour of his eyes and hair, his features, height and, where possible, his cephalic index.

Turk and the boys tried to listen, but were soon lost in a maze of such scientific matters as the cephalic index, language roots, Mongoloid folds, and so on.

The cephalic index seems to be about the same as that of the famous Caledonian knothead tribe.