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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Centuple \Cen"tu*ple\, a. [L. centuplex; centum + plicare to fold; cf. F. centuple.] Hundredfold.


Centuple \Cen"tu*ple\, v. t. To increase a hundredfold.

  1. Hundredfold. Multiplied by one hundred. v

  2. To increase a hundredfold.

Usage examples of "centuple".

Pliny129 says that the merchandise brought thence was sold at Rome at a centuple cent.

I am persuaded that one of the reasons of their increasing the value of their specie by establishing base coin was the scarcity of silver, owing to the continual exportation of it to the Indies: and though the commodities of this country were sold at Rome at a centuple rate, this profit of the Romans, being obtained from the Romans themselves, could not enrich the empire.

And like that grain of powder which burning dilates into a centupled volume, d'Artagnan, enlarged by ideas and suspicions, rapidly reascended the stairs towards the terrace.